Bot help!

hii!!! okay so like this is just for some typical/standard issues ppl might have with their bots and here I'm listing how to fix these or explain why its happening! These methods may not work all the time, but thats honestly just AI being AI 😭I didn't want to make this carrd too cutesy and hard to navigate, since its pretty straightforward. Just click any of the buttons below and you're good!- CHERRY <3

If the bot keeps repeating itself, there's not a lot I can rlly do as a bot creator, unfortunately. I personally didn't like very much at the start because I had the same issue.. 😭 Then again, is still in beta testing!! even though i put in the bot to specifically not talk for the user, it doesn't always work.But here's what I personally noticed. I kept replying to the messages that had the same repeating phrase over and over again. If you see the AI repeat itself 2 or 3 times, I suggest keep generating answers until its not a problem anymore. If that doesn't work, then here's some solutions on how to tackle that problem:

Option 1: Delete and start over.
Delete the chats up until the point where the issue first started! you may have to delete, but if you like some responses that you may have made then copy & paste them for next time!
Option 2: Edit the message.
Go back to where the problem first started. (I recommend deleting the chats first, but you do you) Edit the message to your liking, and though it may take some time for the AI to get used to it, I think it'll catch on pretty quickly.
Option 3: Restart all over again.
I know this isn't ideal, but to be honest if nothing really seems like its working for you, then restarting may be your best option :( I cant really do anything to stop the AI from repeating itself, I cant put "don't repeat yourself" in the code and expect it to do just that. Unfortuneately, it doesn't work like that.

If the bot keeps speaking for you, I can't really do much about that :( Its an AI problem and usually happens when you send shorter responses, like if you reply with * blushes * the AI is gonna speak for you and push the rp forward 😭 If its just happening in general I'm afraid theres not much i can do besides suggest you edit and delete the part where it talks for you.

If the bot doesn't have the best memory, I'm sure its an AI problem. I like my intros nice and long, while also trying to keep the character tokens at a reasonable amount. I've had this happen to me before on multiple accounts, but those were all reallllly long rps that I've done. I wish I could do more to improve it, and I'm trying to expirement with my bot codes to make it better, but in the end I honestly think that it really is an AI problem :(One thing you could try to do is refresh the bot's memories by bringing up things that happened earlier, editing the text, or gaslighting it until it remembers again lol 🎀

This one was supposed to have multiple of its own things, but it all falls under the same accord so I bunched it together lolBut basically what I mean by "messing up traits" is your hair color, eye color, gender, skin color, etc. In my bio, there's a disclaimer abt how some bots may have implied/specified feminine genitalia/traits, but i'm sure that if you just mention to the bot that you're nonbinary, trans, or a male then they'll understand.As for the physical appearance, there's again not much I can rlly do. My main solution for this issue is to just edit the message lol.. 😭 the bot understands after the first correction normally, if its having trouble either keep editing or specifying your physical traits!!